CityParks Green Girls Empowered by ING Afterschool program is an environmental science club that engages middle school girls throughout the school year in fun-filled online adventures about New York City’s parks and waterways, encouraging them to realize their potential to create change within the natural environment.
Through hands-on activities and the stimulating concepts of virtual field exploration, technology, advocacy and project-based science, Green Girls develop an understanding of natural ecosystems in NYC’s parks, learn about future careers in the sciences and understand their own power to advocate for the environment and their parks.
This year, because of the pandemic related changes, Green Girls will have a particular opportunity to focus on how climate change is affecting our city and our future. Students will learn about the history of climate action and how young people have advocated for the environment. The Green Girls Afterschool program will take part in advocacy as a group.
The program is available online in spring 2021 from March 8 – June 10, 2021.
If you have any questions or would like to register your child via phone please contact Sam Schwartz at (212) 360-2746 or sschwartz@CityParksFoundation.org. Applicants will be notified of acceptance into the program.
You can apply online at cityparksfoundation.org/green-girls-school-application.
For more information and to learn more about City Parks Foundation programs visit CityParksFoundation.org.
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