In a quarantine world, parades are the new party. So the Humble Heroes are bringing the party to kids all over Staten Island, one neighborhood at a time.
Pre-lockdown, the Humble Heroes donned superhero costumes and visited children in hospitals to raise their spirits and conjure up some smiles and joy during a difficult time.
These days, their mission remains the same. But their method has changed accordingly.
These real-life heroes (let’s be honest here) are parading through different parts of Staten Island in costume to the delight of children everywhere. Driving slowly by in cars, trucks and motorcycles, and escorted by official vehicles — sirens blaring, of course — they wave to onlookers, smile for pictures, and give kids a great reason to go outside. Spectators are encouraged to hold up signs thanking essential workers as the heroes pass by their homes.
So far, the band of cheerful (but badass) superheroes has visited Richmond Town, Rossville, Westerleigh, Eltingville and Annadale. To find out whether your neighborhood is next, visit them on Facebook or Instagram.