Meet the Incredible Kid of February, James Fauci! He was selected via voting process on the Staten Island Parent website.
The 13-year-old star student was nominated by his math teacher, Barbara Rauch, who said he ranked one of the top students in his TACHS prep program. He also received a full scholarship to St. Joseph by the Sea! Go James!
James will be featured an upcoming issue of Staten Island Parent and receive a $150 Amazon gift card, courtesy of Staten Island University Hospital.
Staten Island’s Incredible Kids Awards recognizes and honors outstanding children in the community. Nominees have helped others in need, donated time or effort to an important cause, boast impressive achievements at a young age, or simply stand out for their kindness and compassion.
A new child will be honored in Staten Island University Hospital’s Incredible Kids Awards each month until June 2021. To nominate a child, go to and upload a photo, then explain in detail why he or she deserves to be nominated.
Meet February’s Featured Pediatric Specialists
Staten Island University Hospital’s board-certified pediatric gastroenterologists evaluate and treat children who suffer from chronic stomach issues including abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and problems related to diet.
Carlotta Hemple MD
Director of Pediatric Gastroenterology
Sherin Daniel, MD
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Click the button above to enter or vote for a child in the Staten Island’s Incredible Kids contest!