Let’s Talk Sleepovers
Break out those snacks and pjs, we’re talking sleepovers! Sleepovers have brought children together for years and years. Growing up, I loved nothing more than having a sleepover with my girlfriends—some of my fondest childhood memories derived from nights on air mattresses full of snacks and watching movies.
Here are some tips for parents on all things slumber party…
Is My Child Ready?
Sleeping out of the house is new and could be intimidating. When I was about 10 years old my friends started wanting to have weekend sleepovers and while I was excited, a lot of my friends didn’t sleep at them, and at the time I did not know why. To simply put it some children are not ready to spend a night away from home, and that is completely fine.
Ask yourself and your child if you are comfortable with them sleeping out. Some kids are simply homebodies and prefer to sleep at home and that’s fine. Recognize what sleeping out entails, a different bedtime routine, environment, etc. There should be no pressure. A great alternative if your child does not want to sleep out is to pick them up later in the hangout. A great way to see if your child is ready is to test out a sleepover at a cousin’s or relative’s house.
Keep your Ringer On
There have been countless times my mom has received phone calls at midnight from one of my sisters or me asking to be picked up early from either being sick or just not wanting to sleep out anymore. My mom would always make sure she kept her ringer on her phone turned on. Sleeping outside their usual environment could be something your child wants to do but be prepared for a change of mind.
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Hostess with the Mostess
Are you the one hosting? Create a fun and special night for your child and their friends. We want our kids to feel comfortable and cozy always. Create an environment you want your child to be in during a sleepover. Cozy up the basement or living room, make sure it’s comfortable for everyone! It is always a good idea to make sure all pillows and blankets are properly washed. Some fun little tips would be to pick a movie for the night, pop some microwavable popcorn, get other fun movie snacks, and hold your own movie screening.
Ultimate Sleepover Packing List for Your Child
- Pajamas
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Toiletries and other hygienic products
- Change of clothing
- Pillow and blanket (if needed)
- Phone charger
- Any medication or medical supplies
Navigating Privacy
Sleepovers are a quality time for children to bond and hang out. It is important to give the children their personal time. I have such fun memories of playing card games and discussing crushes during slumber parties. It gave me a sense of independence being away from home for a night, being somewhere my friends and I could spill secrets.
That being said, taking precautions is also important to ensure all is safe. It is no secret that sometimes children and adolescents like to get into some mischief. You can respect your child’s privacy while also being around in any way possible.
Parent-to-Parent Communication
You would want to be filled in on what is going on at the house your child is sleeping at so communication with other parents is key. Make sure you have the phone numbers of all the kid’s parents who are sleeping over just in case.
Make sure to note any allergies, dietary restrictions, etc. Usually, parents will send their kid with a pillow but it’s always good to clarify that information on what is being brought. Every household has different routines—for example, bedtimes, dinners, and more. In my sleepover days, my mom and her friends would all order us pizza and make a different baked good for dessert and late-night snacking.
At the end of the day, I look back on all the sleepovers I have had and realize it was my mom and fellow parents who truly made sure we were all taken care of and enjoyed our time. Take these tips and bring the magic and create these amazing memories for your child.