- Ages: 3 years old, 4 years old
- Dates: September - June
- Days: Monday through Friday
- Times: 8:30am-2:50pm
- PreK-3 For All: Free Full Day
- PreK-4 For All: Free Full Day
- Full Day: Yes
- Half Day: No
- Extended Hours: No
- Registration: Registration opens on February 5, 2020 for DOE programs
South Shore Toddler Academy & Pre-K

South Shore Toddler Academy & Pre-K has been proudly serving the community for over 50 years. The goal of our program has been and will continue to be to provide a safe, nurturing and welcoming environment for all of the children and families that we serve.
We are committed to creating an atmosphere in which every individual feels respected and valued for who they are. We believe that such an atmosphere fosters confidence in our students so that they may be open to new ideas and learning throughout their lifetimes. We provide our students with a strong foundation that they can build upon throughout their education and teach them the importance of being part of a larger community. Lunch and snack provided by us.