Where and When to Go Strawberry Picking Near Staten Island
Strawberry picking and other kinds of berry picking is a staple of early summer. Spending the day in the warm sunshine, and picking nature’s sweetest treats is the perfect family outing. Pick strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and more at one of these pick-your-own fruit farms near Staten Island.
See below for a list of nearby pick-your-own farms in New Jersey and parts of New York, all of which are less than an hour and a half’s drive from Staten Island. *Always call ahead to confirm before you head out, as picking schedules often vary and may change due to weather and crop availability.* Also, ask about special events!
Blackberries | Early July through Early August. The best time to pick blackberries is from mid to late July. |
Blueberries | Mid-June through mid-August. The best blueberry picking is from early July to early August. |
Cherries | June. Cherries have a short season. The best time to pick them is roughly from June 10–June 25. |
Peaches | Early July through mid-September. The height of peach season is from the middle to the end of July. |
Raspberries | Early July through late July. The summer raspberry season is short. They’re best picked in the second and third weeks of July. |
Strawberries | Mid-May through late June. The best time to pick strawberries in New Jersey is usually in early June. |
Pumpkins | Mid-September through late October. The best time to pick pumpkins is just before Halloween, anytime from early to mid-October. |
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Fruit & Strawberry Picking Farms Near Staten Island
Alstede Farms
1 Alstede Farms Lane, Chester, NJ
alstedefarms.com • 908-879-7189
Pick your own strawberries, red and black raspberries, blueberries, cut your own flowers and sunflowers, sweet corn, vegetables, peaches, and blackberries.
Battleview Orchards
91 Wemrock Rd, Freehold, NJ
battlevieworchards.com • 732-462-0756
Pick your own strawberries, sour cherries, peaches, and nectarines. Country store and a bakery on site with fresh local produce. Homemade apple cider is available for purchase.
Bonacorsi Family Farm
1137 Croton Rd., Flemington, NJ
662 Pittstown Rd. in Frenchtown, NJ
bonacorsifamilyfarm.com • info@bonacorsifamilyfarm.com
Pick your own at 662 Pittstown Rd.: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and peas. Pick your own at 1137 Croton Rd.: a wide variety of apples (including granny smith) and grapes in the fall. There is also a farm stand stocked with seasonal fruits and vegetables grown on the farm.
Califon Farm Market & Orchards
472 County Road Rt. 513 Califon, NJ
melickstownfarm.com • 908-832-2905
Pick your own yellow and white peaches through September. On-site store with fresh produce and baked goods. There is also the Oldwick Farm Market located at 170 Oldwick Road.
Crossroads Farm at Grossmann’s
480 Hempstead Ave., Malverne, NY
xroadsfarmliny.com • 516-881-7900
A small organic farm that is part of the Nassau Land Trust, a not-for-profit organization composed of a volunteer board of directors. The farm sells sweet corn, a variety of bedding and flowering plants, and vegetables.
Demarest Farms
244 Wierimus Rd., Hillsdale, NJ
demarestfarms.com • 201-666-0472
Pick your own peaches, apples, and pumpkins. A local favorite, the farm has an on-site market that carries apple cider donuts, pies, and other baked goods. Seasonal produce and flowers are also for sale.
Donaldson Farms
358 Allen Rd., Hackettstown, NJ
donaldsonfarms.net • 908-852-9122
Pick your own strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries. Dates for Strawberry Harvest Weekends to be announced.
Emery’s Organic Blueberry Farm
346 Long Swamp Road, New Egypt
emerysfarm.com • 609-758-8514
Pick your own blueberries. Farmer’s market offers a variety of pastries, pies, and pre-picked blueberries.
Giamarese Farm & Orchard
155 Fresh Ponds Rd., East Brunswick NJ
giamaresefarm.com • 732-821-9494
Pick your own: strawberries, peas, peaches and more.
Hillview Farms
223 Meyersville Road, Gillette
Hillview-farms.com • 908-647-0957
Pick your own blueberries, peaches, and flowers.
Lee Turkey Farm
201 Hickory Corner Rd., East Windsor NJ
leeturkeyfarm.com • 609-448-0629
Pick your own strawberries, cherries, apples, peaches, melons, nectarines, pears, blackberries, vegetables and more.
Peterson Farm
438 Quakertown Rd., Flemington NJ
petersonfarm.net • 908-782-1682
Pick your own strawberries. The farm also sells sweet corn and a variety of hays including orchard grass, Timothy, alfalfa and straw. Choose-and-cut Christmas trees available in December.
Queens County Farm Museum
73-50 Little Neck Parkway, Floral Park, NY
queensfarm.org • 718-347-3276
The farm museum has an on-site store that carries a unique selection of items for the home and garden, including Queens Farm products, locally made gifts, books, and more. Farm-fresh eggs are also for sale Wednesday-Sunday on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Sahl’s Father Son Farm
420 West Pestalozzi Street, Egg Harbor City, NJ
Sahl’s Father Son Farm • (609) 965-9300
While strawberry picking may be the main summer event, there’s a lot more to enjoy during your visit to Sahl’s Father-Son Farm, especially if you have young children. From corn mazes to pig races, a basket of fresh strawberries might just be the cherry on top. Sahl’s opens every weekday and Saturdays at 10 am. U-Pick pricing is $7 per quart.
Schaefer Farms
1051 County Route 523, Flemington, NJ
schaeferfarms.com • 908-782-2705
Pick your own blackberries and raspberries. Open Farm stand with homegrown sweet corn, a variety of vegetables, and Nutrena Feeds. Farm-grown eggs, flowers, candles, milk, butter, and cheese are also available.
Snyder’s Farm
586 South Middlebush Rd., Somerset NJ
snyders-farm.com • 732-496-0441
Pick your own strawberries and blueberries.
Specca Farms
870 Jacksonville Mt. Holly Rd., Bordentown, NJ
speccafarms.com • 609-267-4445
Pick your own strawberries, broccoli rabe, spinach, lettuce, broccoli and more.
Stults Farm
146 Cranbury Neck Rd., Cranbury, NJ
stultsfarm.com • 609-799-2523
Sign up for email alerts on the website to be notified when different fruits become available for pick your own.
Terhune Orchards
330 Cold Soil Rd., Princeton NJ
terhuneorchards.com • 609-924-2310
Pick your own strawberries, asparagus, blueberries, blackberries, apple varieties, and pumpkins. The farm store is open daily, farm winery is open on weekends.
Von Thun Farms
519 Ridge Rd., South Brunswick NJ
Another location is at 438 Route 57 West in Washington, NJ.
Von Thun’s has two farms in NJ, each with activities and on-site farm markets that sell its delicious varieties of produce. Both locations let you pick berries, and they host Strawberry Festivals.
Wemrock Orchard
100 Wemrock Rd., Freehold, NJ
wemrockorchard.com • 732-431-2668
Pick your own strawberries.